One of my favorite things is food. I love cooking, trying new flavors and, of course, eating. I don't have a favorite cuisine, but I really enjoy Italian and Asian foods, even if I am not the biggest fan of seafood. Pasta, rice and sauces are what I'm best at, but I love to experiment and try different things. Sweets and desserts are my weak spot, since I'm not very fond of really sweet dishes, so I don't make them often. Macarons, however, are god-tier confectionery, and you can't change my mind on that.
Nothing beats a good book, especially when it takes you on a journey to different worlds and allows your imagination to soar. That's why fantasy is my favorite genre, but I also enjoy books that allow me to learn various things. Aside from technical and programming books, there are some really nice ones that show interesting topics in a fun and easy to understand way. Some examples are books by Randall Munroe, or Open Circuits by Windell Oskay and Eric Schlaepfer. One of my favorite books are the Mistborn series and Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson. In the future, I want to tackle The Wheel of Time series.
As you can probably guess, I also like programming, especially the problem-solving and creative aspects of it. My first contact with coding was in high school. I had no idea what I was doing, but it got me really hooked. Over the years, I have tried many things, starting from desktop applications, web development, and now cloud and microservices. I also made some games along the way, but they were bad so let's not talk about that. In the future, I want to make a proper game that would at least be playable and preferably enjoyable.